Dress Code
2024-2025 Terry Sanford High School Dress Code
Terry Sanford High School is focused on learning and the staff and administration are committed to providing a safe, orderly learning environment for all students. The FTS staff has discretion in making judgments relating to the appropriateness of dress. Appropriate dress is necessary in order to maintain an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and safety. In order to support this, the following dress code will be enforced:
Students are prohibited from wearing clothing, jewelry, or other articles of personal appearance which:
Violates a reasonable dress code adopted and publicized by the school.
Violates the dress code provisions of the Student Code of Conduct or any applicable administrative regulation.
Depict profanity, vulgarity, provocative, obscenity, or violence
Promote use of abuse of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol
Promote products or activities that are illegal for use by minors
May create a threat to the health or safety of the student or others
Are associated with intimidation, violence, or violent groups and about which students have been notified
May create a significant risk of disruption to the educational process or to the operation of the school
The following specific items are also not permitted:
Clothing worn in such a manner as to reveal underwear/undergarments
Bare feet, bedroom slippers
See-through, mesh garments, transparent material worn over or underclothing
Clothing that is excessively baggy or tight
Bedroom attire or pajamas
Sunglasses worn inside the school building
Sagging pants are not allowed. Sagging will be defined as pants and/or shorts low enough to allow whatever is under the pants/shorts, regardless of how many layers exist, to be visible.
Jeans with holes above the knees are not permitted unless tights are worn under
Bare midriff shirts, “belly shirt, crop top”
Strapless or backless shirts, sleeveless shirts
Shorts, skirts or dresses more than 3 inches above the knee.
Attire with messages or illustrations that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service not permitted by law to minors
Any adornments such as chains or spikes are not allowed.
Bandannas are not allowed on TSHS and/or Cumberland County school property.
Any other article of appearance that is physically revealing or provocative.
Hats, hoodies on your head, bonnets, scarves, ski masks, gator face masks, or any other non-religious headwear.
Students may not bring blankets or use blankets during normal school hours.
Terry Sanford will make the necessary accommodations for religious types of headgear or head coverings that would be otherwise restricted.
Students must arrive appropriately dressed.
If a violation occurs:
A student who is not in compliance will be given a reasonable opportunity to make adjustments so that he or she will be in compliance. Promptly address the issue by changing or covering the clothing.
If a student is not in compliance with the 2024-2025 Dress Code Guidelines after 8:30 a.m., and CANNOT fix it, the student will report to Mr. Knighten at the AP Suite and call for someone to bring the proper item. The student will be escorted to RJC to wait until appropriate clothing is brought for the student to change into. Once the student has corrected their dress they will be sent to class.
Students are expected to maintain the correction throughout the school day to prevent disruptions.
No student shall be suspended out of school-based solely upon violation of an existing individual school dress code. However, repeated dress code violations may be viewed as Insubordination. Additional RJC/OSS days for repeat offenses.